Thursday, August 9, 2012

Topic #3 Print vs. Online: Examining Newspapers/ Magazines Media Blog Project

Which do you prefer? Do you prefer to drink your morning coffee while reading your favorite newspaper, and  feel the pages on your fingers, smell the fresh new smell of fresh newspaper that has just  been printed, or do you prefer to see beautiful photo journalism along with the story printed on your newspaper?, or do you want to have it in your hands?, feel it , and imagine it, discover it?, or do you prefer to have your Mac open go to your favorites tab and access your new online newspaper? Its sounds so easy to just go to the site of your favorite newspaper it sounds a lot more convenient in way, because just as you can have your laptop anywhere around the house you can also make yourself comfortable around the house and read your newspaper, beside that what are the real differences? Does one have more information than the other? Free vs. cost, but is one robbing you from the information you may need, this blog post will examine the The New York Times which happens to be one of my favorite iPhone AP, and my favorite newspaper to purchase while at Starbucks, and I rarely access it online.

The primary focus of this publication is to deliver news to the world. New York Times is international, and It is everywhere, no matter if your just an Oregonian like me. I prefer to pick up the New York times rather than my local newspaper because it informs of what is going on globally. Based on what I’ve read in the New York times it is fabulous just like the Name, New York is huge so is the newspaper, New York is the place that, " If you make it there you can make it anywhere" Jay z says, and he’s right, if you can make it to the store to buy a New York Time newspaper than you can envision yourself in a whole new country because the New York time is full of the Arts, its full of Global news, the wars, and the " Finer things of advertisement” that what  you’d picture in NYC,  for example Louis Vuitton and Tiffany, Chanel and Rolex. Of course it’s the New York Times.....Hello.  When I pick up the paper this is how I see its organized, first headline news front page, which is global news, highlighting current events, then advertisements, then more headline news, then local news, then politics, that is just one section. 2ND portion of the newspaper is Home, another resection is Thursdays styles ( or whatever day it is ) another section is The Arts, another section is Business day, another section is  what men love the most Sports.

I think what sets this publication apart from competition . Is its life, its name, its fame, New York is New York.I have new York decor on my wall, and Ive always wanted to live in New York, when you think new York, you think,  "The Big Apple” or as Latinos would say it, " La Gran Manzana, and  you think the Yankees, you think Alicia Keys, the New York Nets, the Giants, you think movie Stars, you think Ghetto/ royalty, you think slums and crime and gangs, you think where that one film you watched was filmed there. You think population, the cultural melting pot of the whole damn world, so of course the name alone in my opinion will draw me to the newspaper, and the fact you can buy it on any coast anywhere, it’s so entrepreneur. When you think New York you think the Arts the Music, so you know it will be so popular with so many different age groups and ethnicity's. New York time is diverse. Here is an Alicia Keys video that proves that just the name New York can inspire anyone to pick up a NewYork Times.

I would say that the primary target is a little bit of everyone. It can be accessed via applications stores on your mobile device, online and newspaper.It is accessed everywhere anyone can buy it anywhere. Students use it as viable source for research papers on so many different topics, almost each time you goggle something about anything a New York times article has it covered, so I think Students are attracted to New York times. I think wealthy people are people who read newspaper, because of the huge portion on politics and Business which includes the financial portion, and the economy, stocks, so I assume that this would attract wealthy business, and middle class working people. I’m not being stereotypical, but I just assume. I think because of the global news that the NYT also attracts foreign people in United States.

 For the Newspaper I have to say the content of the newspaper as far as weaknesses is that the font is too small, and there I no way you and minimize or maximize for those of us that cannot see that well, and I feel that it lacks color and presentation. It’s simple and its black and white I know that most newspapers are, but I just would like to see more presentation on the font and the color change it up, and do something else. Why would I want a huge page of just advertisement, okay we get the point there is sale at Macy's for 70% but why use the whole entire page to advertise that?, I know that is advertisement and that means money to the Newspaper company for selling these ads to these big companies, and that keeps the Newspaper going, but why even sell in your media package an advertisement page that huge? Makes no sense at least if it was half we'd see it. I mean half the the page is as big enough we don’t need the whole thing with a colored car saying “ Cual Lodge Sale” Bonham’s on it, and in my opinion that is such a waste of paper, and please advertise something that counts that means something, if you want to take up space like that, good lord, they just put too much emphasis non “not so important” things, when they should be highlighting news. Their si a diffrence in what is worded and how its worded its not exactly the same at all. Most articles involve the same thing but is actually alot less words when its online than on the print version. For example I was reading the article " Hewlett to Take $8 Billion Charge for E.D.S and Post 3rd-Quarter Loss. Well the diffrence of this that its only a small black and white photo and a small section of the top right of b5 of the Business section of the print version, paper printed on Aug 9th. The online Version is this clossy huge page of the same story with a colored picture of Meg Whitman. Here is an example of how it looks diffrent and how much more glossy and inviting the online version is, it highlights the issue more. Makes you want to read it in my opion.

This is the online Version of the story " Hewlett to Take $8 Billion charge fore E.D.S and post 3rd Quarter Loss."

This is the print version of the story " Hewlett to Take $8 Billion charge fore E.D.S and post 3rd Quarter Loss."

 Here is the humungas add for the Quail Lodge Sale, whatever that is. Also what I see that is adverstisments is TNT with a picture of our Champion golfer Tyger Woods. Also i see Mikimoto which advertises a earing stud set which price clearly shows $ $3,950.00, holy cow! When in the world would we ever see that in Albany Oregon ha ha ..never. Of course they have Tiffany & Co adds, which is my favorite! I also see Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Prada,how so diffrent from any local newspaper I've seen, the only time I see Louis Vuitton and Gucci adds, is when I'm walkign down Las Vegas Blvd. I only see it becuase they have those store on Las Vegas Blvd. I do see some practical items being adverstised in the NewYork Times which includes Bryant ( A womans fashion store) Olay which is a skin care for woman and men, also has a decent size adversting in NewYork times, which suprized me. I would of assumed more high end brands would take space in the Newyork times as far as skin care.

Here we have the 94th PGA championship with a picutre of Tiger Woods. For TNT, this again takes up the whole entire page.
 Some of girls favorite items are adverstised in The Amazing NewYork Times. Prada, Gucci and Louis Vutton. Yes sir!

Here is the huge Macy's add.

For the Newspaper I have to say the good things are that it’s organized in sections and if you prefer to just read the “The Arts” you can just pull out the Arts and read it. If you want to read the Business you can just read about the Business section, and you know you’re always reading current news, and you don’t get lost on clicking here and clicking there, and if something looks interesting to you don’t end up falling of the News and going to some other website. I think that is the problem with the online version of the newspaper, you can easy find out self-reading old articles, if you’re interested in what’s going on now, and staying current the newspaper the print version is more relevant, because you get lost in clicking. I also like that there is a variety of everything and it’s not like you have to really navigate and try to find things, its there and you just flip the pages, and read. I like the pictures and descriptions by the pictures. Weaknesses of the online is that the online version has too much advertisements on the front home page, it’s like it almost scares you way it appears that you’re on some fake sight at first, because of the major advertisements right in front, which I think is unnecessary. The benefits of having the online is the search the easy navigation from page to page, the convenience of clicking here and there, and getting to what you really want to read vs trying to flip through the pages.I think  the stories are similar in both Print and online, however its how you navigate from either of them that makes the difference, it may take one a little long to click on the top left and access the “ Today's Paper” you obviously have to be somewhat computer savvy to be able to jump to Front Page , international, sports obituaries.  You also have to really understand the categories because online it shows the links and it does not show pictures until you click on the links to lead you to the pages. You can “like” on Facebook and you can tweet on twitter, so I think I really like that, because why not share with the world what interests you? I mean who can you tell that you liked some column in the Newyork times newspaper, you can tell a few people but you can’t tell a whole mass of your fan base. (NO fun! )  What if I like an article and what my mom to read about it? I have to tell her to go to the store and buy a Newyork time newspaper, and now you email the article, Newyork times online even tell you articles that were e mailed the most, this is something you just can’t do with the newspaper print .

What differences do you see between the treatment of stories/photos/graphics in the print vs. online? What I see is that as far as stories I think its quite similar, they feature most of the same stories, somethings absolutely identical. I do see one benefit that is awesome. You can seet that Journalist do current posts, vs everyday printing and having to wait for the next day to get a story. You can actually get current stories that can posted online right away. I saw a post that said it was posed 19 minutes ago, so getting the current news, vs news that from the previous day is beneficial. I think that the photos are actually the same, the Photos on the computer seem to be more HD and seem to be clearer. I'm very passionate about photography, and I think there is nothing more beautiful the experiencing the real of a photo, and not wiping all the real out with HD, the newspaper gives the photos more of film look, more of an old school, traditional photo print style/ "instergram 1977 feel" Anyone who is in to real vintage photos, would appreciate the style of photos on the New York times, rather the the HD ones online. Online New york times offers Like on facebook options and well you know that the newspaper one does not, also the online version has videos you are able to see, offering news stories, something you cannot get out of the print version. With online you can click on any advertisement for applications for the iPhone or the Android that offers, you to download the application for elections. Also advertisements are offered in video, so you can actually see a commerical, instead just seeing the huge page with the advertisement. Online offers you these pop up notifications, so you can be randomly reading something, and then all of sudden you will see a pop up, that is advising you to switch gears to continue reading something that think you'd be interested reading based on what you were reading first. This is kinda cool, so it helps you in sense navigate to something else that you may be interested in reading , online print does not offer this.

The day I bought this paper I saw most of the online stories were the same as the ones in the paper, the major thing that is was highlighting was the US Olympics. Both online and print had several mentions of the Olympics. It was featured not only in sports section on both Online and Print but also in the obvious sport sections. Oh I did  see any stereotypes or offensive messages in the pages of the NY Times, it was when I came across an article called Making Facebook Less Infantile. I felt that the guy hen she wrote  his story he used peoples comments that to me seemed rude. He should not of included exactly what the person said, to me it was offensive. The article is called " Making Facebook Less Infantile" about a tool called unbaby me, its a web tool, it eliminates from your facebook news feed pictures of cats, bacon, and sunsets.  He states that , " If your 20-30 and childless and your friends are popping babies like fuffins" read the Forbes article, you don't need me to tell you why this is brilliant, and sanity preserving ideas, he says that, and i think  its rude, then he references someone he interviews int he article saying, " I don't need a play by play  of a typical day with your kid" which i find rude, because some people use facebook because they are lonely and they want to share their children, their life, and I find it rude in the article that they are somewhat in sense bashing these type of people.

 Most Popular article section which usually means the most viewed, or emailed.

Top Selling I think so! Look

 Here is the website

Like NewYork Times on Facebook. Please like the things you love for sheezy!!/nytimes

I downloaded this app on my phone. I love New York Times. I had in the past bought my online subscription because they do charge to get more news online; you can’t read unless you pay online subscription. You can read a little bit but not all the articles. I follow them and like them on Twitter and Facebook. I go to Starbucks and order my yummy coffee and I buy my New York Times. I’m into ethnicity's and studying the cultures, so I really love the international global news and the arts. The World Briefing column touches on some of the Latin American countries and has supporting stories that go along with that. It keeps me informed of the world news. Again the application you can download is free, you can email and save articles you like and you'd like to share. Here is what it looks like to install NY Times on your phone.

I learned how differently the online format of the times differs from the actual paper, but examining the two closely. I learned how the paper caters to a variety of different people from different diverse backgrounds. I learned that the advertisement is not from local business but from brands that are upper class and high prestige. I learned that there are certain things you can’t do and more perks to having the newspaper online vs on print. Print is traditional and old school in my opinion but there something about that will always be peaceful and very social.